STAR SAVINGS: Must have a STAR Checking account in order to open a STAR Savings account. Daily balances up to $20,000.00 earn an interest rate of 1.00% with an APY of 1.00%. Balances $20,000.01 or greater earn an interest rate and APY of 0.20%. Must meet requirements of STAR Checking account listed above in order to be eligible for the stated rates. If requirements are not met, the account earns a base interest rate and APY of 0.05% on all balances. Limit one STAR Checking and one STAR Savings per Social Security Number. If the STAR checking account is closed within 6 months there will be a $30 early closure fee per account closed. Electronic statements (e-Statements) are free and available upon successful set up with Internet Banking. Account offers ATM refunds up to $25 per month. ATM Fees greater than $4.99 are not automatically refunded and require a receipt to be presented for a refund. ATM refunds do not include foreign currency charge. Rate accurate as of 12/16/2023.