Use Strong Passwords: Combine letters with numbers and symbols to create a strong password. For example turn the password "colesburg" into "C0!3sburg". It is easy to remember but the combination will be harder for cybercriminals to decode.
Individual Passwords: It is wise to use different passwords for each account. This is true for individual accounts on a home computer. Each family member having their own account with a separate password protects others accounts in the event something happens to one user.
Keep it Safe: It's normal to forget your passwords. Create a master list of passwords and keep them stored in a secure place AWAY from your computer.
Keep A Clean Computer:
Anti-Virus Software: Having the latest version of software, web browsers, and operating systems are your best defense against viruses, malware and other online threats.
Automatic software updates: Turn on automatic updates if available. Many programs automatically update their software to keep you protected.
Plug and Protect: When using devices such as USB's or external devices, scan them prior to use.
Connect Carefully:
If In Doubt, Toss It Out: If the item (such as an email) looks suspicious, even if you know the source, it is best to delete it. Call the company or individual if you are concerned it may require your attention.
Protect Your Bank Account: When banking or shopping online, make sure all sites are security enabled. Look for web addresses that begin with https:// or shttp://, which means the site takes extra care in protecting its customers. Always look for the closed padlock in the URL address bar.
Don't Be A Victim Of Phone Scams:
Farmers Savings Bank will NOT call or email you asking for personal or account information. As a general rule, financial institutions and government agencies will not contact you asking you to provide personal information. If you receive a call or email from someone claiming to be with your financial institution or a government agency requesting personal information, do not give it out as it may be a scam. If you are concerned that they are legitimately trying to reach you, contact the financial institution or government agency directly.
If you do give out personal or account information and are concerned it may be in the wrong hands, contact Farmers Savings Bank 563-856-2525 immediately. We will help you resolve the issue.
For more information about Cyber Security please visit:
Tips and recommendations from the FDIC:
General Cybersecurity Information and Tips:
Great info for children and parents about cyberbullying:
How to Stop Cyberbullying: Don't Be Cyberbullied Any More! (stompoutbullying.org)
How to Stop Cyberbullying: Don't Be Cyberbullied Any More! (stompoutbullying.org)